mengguanakan menu Profile, Tambah/Edit Rekening Bank. Anda akan di suruh memasukan nama
bank, kode bank ( bisa dilihat di bawah daftar kode bank), dan nomer rekening.
• Pertama kirim email menggunakan web pay pal.
• Cari link hubungi kami
• Lalu klik kirim kami
• Pilih Rekening Bank/Kartu Kredit ( Pilih Rekening Bank )
• Lalu di ringkasan pertanyaan tulis :
I have problem on verifying my paypal account since I don't have credit card and I would like to verified my paypal account using local Indonesian bank account.
Di sini harus ditulis menggunakan bahasa Inggris, karena kalau menggunakan bahasa Indonesia tidak ditanggapi.
Setelah dikirim, tunggu sekitar 1 hari. Akan ada jawaban dari pihak paypal. Silahkan baca di email 1. Karena saya membuat account dengan type personal, saya diharuskan menupgrade ke tipe premier. Karena diminta tentang keterangan diri dan bukti kepemilikan rekening, maka saya kirimkan hasil scanner KTP dan buku tabungan. Cukup depannya saja yang isinya ada nama pemegang buku, no rekening dan cap bank. Saya disini menggunakan buku tabungan tahapan BRI.
Disini harus diingat ada perbedaan antara type personal dan type premier. Untuk type personal
setiap penerimaan uang tidak dikenakan biaya apapun, sedangkan untuk premier dikenakan biaya silahkan lihat di :
Kelebihan type premier adalah penerimaan uang tidak dibatasi, sedangkan untuk personal 1 bulan maksimal $200 USD.
Setelah saya membalas email yang pertama, dengan sedikit basa-basi lah. Kalau bingung soal katakatanya silahkan menggunakan google translate. Tapi itu tidak terlalu penting. Sebenarnya bagi PayPal yang penting adalah type premier karena setiap pengiriman dana ke rekening akan dikenakan biaya tertentu. Tapi menurut saya hal tersebut masih bisa diterima. Untuk penerimaan uang sebesar $100 USD maka anda akan dikenakan biaya sekitar $4.2 USD. Bila anda menerima pembayaran sebesar $200 USD biaya yang dikenakan hanya $5 USD. Karena biaya untuk menerima pembayaran eCheck tidak akan melebihi $ 5,00 USD per transaksi.
Setelah pengiriman email tersebut, muncul 2 email berikutnya. Email yang ke 2 menyatakan
permintaan sedang diproses dan email terakhir persetujuan dan terverifikasi
Prosesnya tidak terlalu sulit dan tidak bertele-tele.
Keuntungan verifikasi menggunakan rekening bank adalah tidak ada biaya tambahan untuk kartu kredit ataupun VCC (Virtual Credit Card) yang tentu saja setiap tahun harus diperpanjang. Sedangkan upgrade ke premier juga dibutuhkan ketika anda serius mencari uang di Internet, karena pendapatan anda akan lebih dari $200 USD per bulan.
Berikut adalah email yang saya dapatkan, perhatikan disetiap email dijawab oleh orang yang
berlainan, karena memang petugas PayPal banyak (saya ditangani oleh PayPal Singapura), dan juga masing-masing memiliki wewenang yang berbeda-beda :
Email pertama :
Hello Fadhillah Rojabhy,
I am Shirley from the PayPal Customer Caring Team. Thank you for
contacting us regarding how to verify your PayPal account.
I tried to call you today to help you solve the problem on phone but
couldn't reach you by using the phone number that you registered in your
PayPal account.
Please do not worry. Even if you do not have a credit card, we can also
help you verify your PayPal account.
Please send us a copy of these documents as a GIF or JPG:
• A copy of your photo identification (Identification Card, Driving
License, or Passport).
• A copy of your bank account statement or bank book that shows your
name and bank account number.
Please make sure that one of the documents you submit displays an
address that matches the address on your PayPal account.
Email your documents to Please use the email
address registered on your PayPal account. After we review the
documents, we'll contact you within 1-2 business days.
Please also add the bank into PayPal account first. Here is how:
Here's how to add a bank account to your PayPal account:
1. Log in to your PayPal account.
2. Click ""Profile"" near the top of the page.
3. Click ""My money.""
4. If you do not have a bank linked to your PayPal account, click ""Add
my bank"" beside ""Bank accounts"". If you are adding an additional
bank, click ""Update"" beside ""Bank accounts,"" and then click ""Add
5. Select the account type, enter the Routing and Account numbers, and
then click ""Continue.""
6. Review your information and click ""Add Bank Account.""
Please send the documents in GIF or JPG format to us by using your
PayPal primary email address.
If you need any further assistance, please feel free to contact us by
email or by phone. Thanks again for choosing PayPal.
Copyright © 1999-2011 PayPal. All rights reserved.
Consumer advisory: PayPal Pte Ltd, the Holder of the PayPal™ payment
service stored value facility, does not require the approval of the
Monetary Authority of Singapore. Consumers (users) are advised to read
the terms and conditions carefully.
Email ke dua :
Dear Fadhillah Rojabhy ,
Thank you for contacting PayPal customer service. My name is Panda and I am glad to help you .
From your mail I understand you want to verify your PayPal account .
You attachments I have help you upload in your PayPal account .
And I have forward your information to related department ,they will
review it and give you a feedback in 24 hours.
If you need any other further assistance, please do not hesitate to
contact us.
It is my pleasure to assist you. Thank you for choosing PayPal.
You may also call us at:
China: 021-2891-3888;
Hong Kong: (852)-3550-8574;
Singapore: (65)-6510-4650;
Malaysia: (60)3-7723-7155;
Elsewhere: (65)-6510-4584.
8AM – 10PM, Monday to Friday;
9AM – 6 PM, Saturday and Sunday.
Thanks again for your contact.
PayPal, an eBay Company
Copyright © 1999-2010 PayPal. All rights reserved.
Consumer advisory - PayPal Pte. Ltd. the holder of PayPal's stored value
facility, does not require the approval of the Monetary Authority of
Users are advised to read the terms and conditions carefully.
Email ke tiga :
Dear Fadhillah Rojabhy ,
Thank you for contacting PayPal in regard to the verify account issue.
We have verified your PayPal account now.
Thank you for using PayPal for your online payment needs.
PayPal Account Review Department
PayPal, an eBay Company
Copyright© 2010 PayPal Inc. All rights reserved.
Consumer advisory: PayPal Pte Ltd is regarded as a stored value facility
under Singapore law. As such, it does not require the approval of the
Monetary Authority of Singapore. You are advised to read the terms and
conditions carefully.
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