Indonesian Youth Act Present : Act For Cancer "we share our true happiness"
February 4th 2012 at Rolling Stone Cafe Jakarta, 19.00 till 22.00.
Let's share our true happiness with YPKAI (Yayasan Pita Kuning Anak Indonesia)
DONATE NOW: BCA 2731-7195-88 a/n Annisa Fabiola.
BNI 0184-266-222 a/n Hanny Kemala Fauster
And you can also bring your Books, Jeans/Pants, T-shirts, Jackets, Dress, or Shoes at the time of event.
The donation will be donated to the people who suffer from cancer especially children. Any small donation that you provide would be very meaningful to them. And no matter how small it is, will be very valuable to their lives.
So, please give your hands and donate :)
For more information, please contact:
Hanny : 085715137824
Juann: 087771356556
Vita : 083875839094
official twitter: @iyouthact
FB Group :
Please spread the words :)
Yayasan Pita Kuning Anak Indonesia diindikasikan menyeleweng sumbangan masyarakat yang ditujukan untuk anak yang terkena kanker,yang saya baca di kantor berita rakyat,apabila hal itu benar terjadi aparat penegak hukum harus bertindak secepatnya untuk menuntaskan atau membubarkan yayasan seperti ini. Napoleon Bonaparte