Saturday 6 December 2014

Tips to Boost your LinkedIn Connections

Sometimes the simplest tactics are forgotten that can make a big difference over time. With the majority of users having less than 500 connections these tips will provide the guidelines to take it beyond the 1,000 barrier.

1. Update your status daily. This could include posting your latest blog post, sharing an interesting Slideshare presentation or an article that is of value to your industry and niche
2. Participate in (or start) a LinkedIn group discussion weekly
3. Follow influencers and ask or answer questions on their posts
4. Join relevant LinkedIn groups and focus on 3-5 of these and stay active on each one
5. Send one new invite daily and personalize it. Don’t use the standard default invite request
6. Prominently display your contact information so you make it easy for people to contact you
7. Endorse people you know for their skills with no expectation of reciprocation
8. Promote your LinkedIn profile. Include it on your card, place it in your email signature and on your website/blog
9. Tweet your LinkedIn updates to Twitter.
10. Include links to your blog and website in your LinkedIn profile. This will help you build credibility by displaying your full online presence.

What about you?

How are you using LinkedIn? Are you a Linkedin power user? What is your best story about the effectiveness of LinkedIn?

Look forward to your insights in the comments.


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